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How to Design a Logo: 7 Steps To Design a Great Logo

One of the most important parts of creating a business is developing its brand and the key to any brand is the logo. The logo becomes the signature of a brand and a company and is something everyone who is creating a startup needs to invest in. If however, you are a...
What is a Case Study and Why You Should be Using Them

What is a Case Study and Why You Should be Using Them

In another article, we went over ideas of creating self-initiated work and hopefully you have already started on some of these project ideas. Now I am going to go over one of the best ways to present those projects in your portfolio: Case studies. A case study, in...

Self-Initiated Work: Creating Portfolio Pieces

Self-Initiated Work: Creating Portfolio Pieces

Often times designers and other creatives use school work in their first portfolio. This is a good place to start but you have to know it is often seen over and over by professionals looking to hire. If you want to stand out of the pack, you need to create some...